May 7, 2012


Treated mum to high tea yesterday at Hotel Rendevous, Straits Cafe :)
It was quite a nice place! Haha i love the hotel, its pretty ^^
Alright anyway, we only had 1 hour to eat (HAHAHAHA)
Cuz we were around half an hour late for the buffet... hehe wait wait. It's not entirely my fault...
okay but anw! I think 1 hour wasn't thaaat bad~ Hahaha 
The food was not bad :) Had the international one ahaha i prefer that to english high teas w all the cakes scones and stuff hahaha idk why heh
Was quite disappointed cuz carousel and rose veranda was fully booked :<
Ive never been to rose veranda before though, just that the reviews i saw online were good and the pics!! THE PLACE LOOKS SO GORGEOUS *.* Hahaha i wanna go thereee
Alright so so anw. I think i made mum eat so much hahahaha i kept taking food for her. 
The whole table was flooded w food for her hahahahahaha 
Then i took this HUGE plate of sashimi cuz i thought we could share it but no, turns out that mum didn't like sashimi so i stuffed my face w it. I swear it was a lot i think i ate more than 20 slices hahahahaha 
I could feel the sashimi swimming in my stomach all the way till midnight ok, no joke hahhaha
Some pics:
Well.. at least mum looked happy yesterday (': 
Im not one of the best daughters around
And i get so unreasonable and demanding and annoying 
and even spoilt (sometimes) but deep deep deeeeeep down
Really. I love you mummy i do i do i do 
You are my superwoman ^^

Headed down to kallang mrt to meet althea to cab to kallang theatre for JAYESSLEE'S CONCERT!!! <3
the concert was at 730pm but there was a hugeee jam on the way there omg *paniccccc
Reached at around 732pm? Yeah hahah then we were both damn scared that they wouldnt let us in!
Hahaha but anw when we got there people were still queuing up to enter!! <:
YAY!!! So so so relieved ^^
The concert, although it only lasted for around 1 and a half hours, it was really really REALLY good!
i love their voices, they are so blessed :)
And so gorgeous! Haha totally enjoyed every bit of the concert
One of the cutest and most talented pair of twins ever!
Went to zouk after the concert- it was an impromptu decision hahaha
Felt kinda restless but still went anw HAHA
anyway ytd was a fun night w the girls! <3
Post clubbing meal:
 And it was nice too cuz i bumped into friends ive not seen in such a long long looooong time (':
Got home at around 430am, slept at 530am and I HAD TO WAKE UP AT 920 cuz i had work.. :<
It was a miracle that i actually woke up.. how did this happen. 
Plus my mum placed another alarm next to my pillow so there were two alarms ringing at once
omgggggggggg thank goodness i didnt hit the snooze button even though i was so tempted too
hooray ^^ k but i was still late for work anw -.- so lame hahahahaha urghhh wtv
ahaha work was alright- just super zombified and tired throughout!
but still okay :)
Oooooh hi esther <:
Anw idk why im awake hahahaha
 esp cuz i had so little sleep the previous night hahahah wow im really an owl.
Hahaha alright i think i will go to bed in a bit
Goodnight y'all x

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