August 29, 2013

#146: Starring

Facilitating for starring was really a great experience for me!
To be honest i didn't think i'd enjoy it as much as I did
And i am really thankful to have such fun loving ppl (both facilitators and freshies) throughout :)

August 28, 2013

#145: Bangkok, Thailand

I am gonna stop procrastinating and complete my long overdue blog posts
once and for all
hahahahaha omg i think I've saved my entry as drafts like 100000 times
Why am i so lazy......... and tired
no idea haha but anyway since i don't have school today 
im gonna use some time to finish it (finally!)
Gonna blog about highlights of summer break 2013
Starting from bkk, then starring then random highlights altogether
in different posts though hahahaha hopefully i don't take too long to do the other two posts
Yeah I'm really trying my best to update my blog so here goes!