May 9, 2013

#138: Hilarious post- GROWING UP HAHA

Hello to you reading this post 
Hahaha this is gonna be quite a retarded post so brace yourself!
Please, i hope you're not eating while reading k
If you are, i think you should put your food aside....
For your own good k, don't say i never say hahahaha
Alright, so i saw many posts on instagram on #whatpubertydidtome
and i wanted to be 'in' and do one too!

So i looked up my old picssss and... decided not to do it
not because it's too ugly so idw to post it anywhere but because
and because i can't fit all of them in a collage, 
I have to post them here hahahahahahha
On my blog hehe 
Here goes..
Me when i was a few months old!!!
Look at my cheeks seriously.. 
I was really tiny when i was born, 
so i think my parents and gramps wanted to make sure that i was well-fed so.... 
HAHA my goodness
Then there was me when i was 1 yr old!!! 
this was my birthday hehe 
look at me, i look kinda like a jap kid here right hahahahaha
I love this picture, 
it's like "I'm daddy's girl and luvin it" 
Then when i was 3,
i was a super duper vain little girl
Damn hiao/act sexy idk learn from where
I shall ask my mum later hahahahaha
but apparently, the lipstick right..
HAHAHAHAHAH omg hiaohiao93
I can kinda remember making her apply lipstick for me...
and i remember I've always hated the taste of it 
(But now i don't hahaha)
And then there was me at 4 yrs old...
'I am little miss sunshine"
Hahahaha i know you might be wondering
here's your answer
These cheeks have been w me since i was a kid
and it seems like it's gonna be stuck w me for a lifetime
Idk how I'm gg to ever embrace these chubby bunny cheeks
 cuz its damn ugly.. 
(Ya la you don't need to say i alr know)
Hahahah but ya hahaha
anw look at me on the swing
somehow the swing looks a bit small... hahahaha
Too cute
Family portrait
Hahahahhahahahha i blend in perfectly with all these mickeys
You'll have to agree w me hahahha
but anyway, this wasn't my fattest period
HAHAHAHAHAHA swan siol~~~
I love this pic so much omg hahahahaha my siblings were such cutiepies
I knew i was a born talent..
look at my act candid-look-away-and-thinking-deepinthought pose
with the sunglasses on my head... 
I don't even hahahahahahahhaha
Hahahahahhahaha i think this was one of the worst fat phase..
Look at my head.. in this picture we can play a game
it's called "SPOT THE NECK" 
How many necks do u see? 
The answer's 2
Hahahahahah where is mine!?!??!!
I have no neck la srsly HAHA this is hilarious
Then.. as we grew older
I prospered
HAHAHHAHAHA valentina at 12 yrs old:
what on earth??
I know hahahahhahaa I'm not just fat..
I looked like a man... :'(
I have worse photos but that one I'm really not going to post
HAHHAHAHA that's for my personal entertainment
but I'm sure you're kinda entertained alr by my gross pictures
I think my parents myst have been like 
okay just kidding 
but this is seriously super hilarious
k this is more or less my 'timeline' hahahahahaha
anyway while looking through these old pictures
I found some which i reaaaally liked!
Look at how happy we look here hahahahaha 
kinda have the same smile awwww
this pic seems like:
Brother "i don't know if i should blow the candles cuz i might have more to wish for"
Sister "which part of the cake should i eat hmmm"
Me "hurry the fuck up i think i am going to gobble the whole cake, and maybe the candles too"
Haahahahahahhaha ok la it's exaggerated but omggggg ahhhh hahahaha
These childhood photos never fail to crack me up

Hahahahha last night while looking thru my old pics
and i was so freaked out cuz it was so big and gross
i swear right.... it was just dhsasjbdsfdhfhask dafuq
Was aching so badly from the workout with alethia on monday 
i could barely walk (yeah like really)
but when it flew in...
And my muscle ache was miraculously gone (for awhile)
Hahhahahaa wtf, ran out to get a can of BAYGON
Got back and the cockroach was nowhere in sight
I just stood in my room like a watchdog 
with the Baygon in my hand like how those ppl in l4d held their guns to kill zombies
I don't even think i blinked hahahahahahhahahaha
when it finally appeared after 20minutes
Im sorry but it is really gross and freaky :'(
Yeah then i was all brave, killing cockroach w baygon all 
but when it finally died, reality hit me 
seriously a super WTF moment and i started shrieking and ran out of my room
hahahahahahahhahaha and got my brother to pick it up to throw it away
sorry i disturbed you while you were studying for your exams.... 
cringed so badly, omg but ok la at least i was kinda brave hahah WARRIOR
ok yeah so that was my midnight cockroach er... experience.. :s

Have been spending my days working and catching up with friends (as usual)
Met Joni in town on sunday to chill!
So happy to see her
the last time we've met was Raffles prom
yeah it was that long! how time flies, really
Anyway it was really nice seeing you,
still as gorgeous as ever!!! (Ex~~)
can't wait to club tgt next week!!! <3

Went to the gym with Alethia on monday to workout
Went to the nearby gym instead of california fitness because....
smth cropped up zzzz MEGA SIAN
But it's okay
hahahha went to the track and ran 4.2km 
AND still did some cardio training thing for 20min after that
Felt really good but i am now suffering from the mother of all aches
i can barely walk, no joke!!!
Shouldn't have been so over ambitious hahhahaha
havent exercised for so long and i actually went to do so much 
#acthero #stepfit 
NV again....
Hahahaha but i had a lot of fun with her!!!
Idk how this girl can look so pretty still after exercising (first pic)
Anyway like wtf i also gained weight after exercising without any increase in calorie intake!!
I know you're probably like wtf how is that even possible
hahaha i have no idea but it happens to me every time i exercise... :(
So i will drop my initial plan of getting fit and wtv cuz it doesn't seem to be working out for me 
But anyway it's damn weird how that happens!
(not to everyone but some)
So i went to like do some research..... hahahha 
Eh this weird thing is actually explained!!
From (legit site)
AIt's true that many people either gain a little weight or don't see any change on the scale for as long as 4-6 weeks after making a significant change in their level of exercise. This is often explained as "gaining muscle while losing fat" but that isn't quite accurate. This extra weight is usually water.

When you start doing more exercise, your body begins storing more fuel in your muscle cells, where it can be used easily and quickly to fuel your workouts. The process of converting glucose (carbohydrates) into fuel that your muscles actually store and use (glycogen) requires three molecules of water for every molecule of glucose. As your muscles are building up glycogen stores, your body has to retain extra water for this purpose. That's what causes most of the initial weight gain or lack of weight loss. This is a good thing—not something to worry about.

However, despite what the scale says, you are actually losing fat during this time. The extra water retention will stop once your body has adjusted to its new activity level. At that point, the scale should start moving down. You'll end up with less fat, and muscles that can handle a larger amount of work.

Written by Dean Anderson, Certified Personal Trainer "
So... hahahahah yeah for those of you who faces the same problem
I hope what i found has helped!
k so anyway, away from the weight and stuff
On tuesday i went to the Olympus repair centre to get my camera fixed hahah
hope all is well and thanks alethia for accompanying me!
Went to the East after that and got stranded at PL MRT for quite awhile 
thanks to the rain zzz
but ok la had some sashimi for tea hehe 
and then chilled at coffee bean and bought my fav yogurt
Original tart!!!!! their yogurts damn good, no shit
hahaha went to CityPlaza when the rain has finally stopped
Have never been there, its like a really old mall
which reminds me of beauty world at bukit timah hahahahaha 
then we went to this shop which sold wigs
Synthetic hair wigs.. and i took this bangs wig while alethia was shopping for her wig hahahahha
and played with it....
Eh i know i look horrendous
hahahahaha so far only one friend said it was cute
(thank you RFP)
Hahahahaha the others got freaked out and immediately texted to ask if it was real
hahahahaha ya thankfully it's a wig 
I can feel your relief from here
and here's us!!!
She bangs she bangs~~ oooh baby yeah she moves she moves~~~
Hahahahahaha joke . com
Another good day spent w my fav girl! 
(even though we were both aching so badly and could barely walk or bend)

Spent today lazing in bed and watching movies online
I love me-days like this hehe
Pretty excited for the rest of the week cuzzzz
im gonna be meeting mel and jess tomorrow
And then I'm finally perming my lashes on sat after work hehe
have been waiting to perm them again since forever hahaha
will probably do a post on the perm :) (STAY TUNED) hahahaha
wtf i act like i got readers^ 
Hahahahahhhahahahhaha sorry la #stepmoment 
YAYYYY i love weddings!!!
It makes me feel happy too :') 
alright so I'm gonna end my super nonsensical post here
hehe see ya  

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