May 18, 2013

#142: RANT

Im so fucking stupid la seriously
I don't know how i lost my camera at zouk ytd
and i just bought my camera about a month ago??
Paid extra for an extended warranty even

May 14, 2013

#140: Lash Perm/Wedding/Mothers' Day

 Hello there I'm back blogging 
hahah im also feeling better now
(as long as i don't talk about grades) 
and i would like to thank everyone who were there for me
like text messages and all, i really appreciate that. 
And even strangers (or maybe not but i assumed due to the anonymity) who left comments on my post 
A big hug and thank you to you guys :')

May 10, 2013

May 9, 2013

#138: Hilarious post- GROWING UP HAHA

Hello to you reading this post 
Hahaha this is gonna be quite a retarded post so brace yourself!
Please, i hope you're not eating while reading k
If you are, i think you should put your food aside....
For your own good k, don't say i never say hahahaha
Alright, so i saw many posts on instagram on #whatpubertydidtome
and i wanted to be 'in' and do one too!

May 5, 2013


Gonna blog since I've got time and I'm not feeling too lazy tonight hahaa
The past 2 days have been pretty fun 
Went down to Kallang to support the Raffles Girls' team for their A'division finals
Have not been there or played squash in ages
Miss those days, kinda nostalgic haha

May 1, 2013


Hey everyoneee
Happy Labour Day! 
Hope you guys are enjoying this public holiday haha
Not much of a difference to me though- since I'm alr having my summer break (hahaha)
Decided to stay home today too because i figured it'd be packed everywhere
And I'm too lazy to travel and squeeze with people on buses/trains
so hello to another me-day!!!